Previously I have written">article about how AWS pushed broken image to Docker hub and we got screwed as we were using latest as image tag.

Welp, this happened again in our CI/CD pipeline as we were using">push plugin from helm and using that to push charts to">chartmuseum .

So we were using the below line to pull the helm push plugin :

helm plugin install

And were pushing to Chartmuseum via command :

helm push app-name repo-name

It turns out that command is not valid and as per their latest (v0.10.0) changes to the plugin, its been renamed to cm-push and we gotta use like helm cm-push app-name repo-name. Else we can use the same command with old version of plugin.

Hence our pipeline got screwed and I’ve fixed by pulling specific version from their repo by using -version argument. It goes like this :

helm plugin install --version v0.9.0

The better solution to this is to replace the hard-coded version above to GitLab CI variable and update the version from there later.